Everyone defines health differently — and that’s a good thing! Your health and wellness goals are probably unlike your partner’s, or even your best friend’s. That’s because your body is also different from theirs, and you should honor its needs accordingly.
Maybe you hit every gym class while your partner is more into a Hot Girl Walk, or vice versa. Whatever your wellness goals, prioritizing them is a critical part of your sex life. Really! Investing in your health is important because it can help you feel more comfortable with your body — and we don’t just mean what it looks like, because every body is worth celebrating at every shape and size. Exercise and self-care can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel more in tune with yourself.
Experts believe that what matters most is creating a routine — an accessible practice you like doing, and want to keep turning back to. That can include everything from meditation, acupressure, aromatherapy, to even a quality sleep session. Books can also help you tap into your self-care, because they’ll stimulate your mind and exercise all that gray matter. Add these accessories to your routine and you’ll be well on your way to mental wellness.
Modo Creative Mini Mindfulness Candles:
These candles last for about 15 minutes — the perfect amount of time to meditate, journal, or stretch. Find the ritual that works for you and use the burning candle to keep you on track.
Buy Now: £6.00 ($7.33)
Women Don’t Owe You Pretty:
This book is the BTBz holy-grail item for a confidence boost. Florence Given breaks down feminism and encourages readers feel more empowered in their skin.
Buy Now: $21.71
Maude Bath & Body Oil:
Unwind with a soothing bath, a relaxing massage, or both. This multipurpose oil is a BTBz shop favorite, and it’s oh so pampering.
Buy Now: $35.00
Slip Violet Moon Beauty Sleepover Set:
What’s healthier for you than a good night’s sleep? This kit comes with a specialized eye mask — it’s eyelash extension-friendly! — and two silk scrunchies to tame hair without leaving bends or marks.
Buy Now: $59.00
Osea Vagus Nerve Trio:
Slip into a more comfortable bath with this body oil set. The vagus nerve is the nerve connecting your brain and your stomach — in other words, it’s where you often get that gut feeling from. Soothe it with these blends, which also benefit from rosemary and lavender scents.
Buy Now: $110.00
Thinx for All Super Absorbency Brief Period Underwear:
Haven’t tried period underwear yet? Now’s your chance. Whether you wear these on lighter days or use them as a backup for heavier flows, you can sit, squat, and rest assured you’re leakproof.
Buy Now: $17