Face masks have long been the epitome of self-care, a staple of spa days and slumber parties alike. But it’s not only the skin on our face that needs soothing. Why not take that idea and run with it?
That’s exactly what the brand Nakey is doing. Founders Shawna Faye and Hannah Rose were on vacation in Cuba when they realized that the hot weather and the wear and tear of travel were doing a number on their most sensitive skin . Unfortunately, it’s a relatable experience: think tight jeans, leather seats, razor bumps, ingrown hairs, waxing pains, even the mild irritation that can follow sex. In the absence of a product that could help, they invented their own: the Muff Masque. And why stop at just one? They soon followed with a whole series of vulva masks for a variety of needs.
A quick visit to Nakey’s site will reveal a simple and minimalist list of products: three unique vulva masks, and a special mirror for self-examination. Nakey’s bare-bones simplicity reflects the fact that they’ve found their niche. If it works, it works, right? We were especially excited to try each of their Muff Masques: the Soother, the Rehabber, and the Juicer. Here’s our review.
The Soother
The Soother is made to do exactly what it sounds like: soothe irritated, red, chafing skin. Nakey’s website also recommends the Soother for tough-to-heal ingrown hairs.
The mask comes free of fragrance and preservatives — which is especially important for sensitive skin — and is made of natural fibers which are biodegradable and compostable. It also features aloe, a naturally-sourced hydrating and soothing skincare ingredient. Like all of Nakey’s masks, application is easy: Simply put the triangle-shaped mask over your vulva, chill out for 15 to 20 minutes, and discard.
The mask itself is very moist, and is easy to keep in place once it applied. Our one key tip for all the masks is that they can feel quite cold on the skin at first application, so either prepare for the momentary discomfort or try placing them on right after a warm shower.
The Rehabber
Sure, the Soother is nice to keep your vulva happy after regular wear and tear. But what if you need a more drastic intervention — say, after rough sex, or even postpartum? The mask you are looking for is the Rehabber.
Like the Soother, the Rehabber features aloe, but it also contains a number of other powerful plant-based ingredients, like bacteria-fighting witch hazel and calming chamomile. According to Nakey, this mixture of ingredients is specially formulated to fight inflammation, which is common after a sensitive area like the vulva experiences trauma.
The Rehabber is certainly more fragrant than its counterparts, due to its ingredient mix. (Nakey doesn’t use any synthetic or additive fragrances in its formulas.) The Rehabber also leaves a cool tingly feeling after the 15 to 20 minutes are up, thanks to the witch hazel.
The Juicer
Dry skin happens to everyone. But when it’s happening in the land down under, it can be especially uncomfortable, and it’s difficult to know which moisturizing products are safe and healthy to use. The Juicer is a vulva mask specially designed to hydrate and rejuvenate sensitive skin, containing ingredients like shea, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.
Of the three masks, it’s the one most tailored to those with pubic hair – Nakey notes that these specific ingredients are equally good for conditioning hair as they are for skin. As such, your personal grooming might be something to take into account when you’re considering which mask to reach for. There’s no wrong way to grow or trim your hair, and your self-care routine should support that.